It’s now been four years since I created this blog about
my dot artwork. My journey began in AOL’s blogging area.
I was exploring a top ten list when I was suddenly confronted by Blogger’s friendly question asking me if I wanted to create
a blog. I was startled at first and clicked away from that page.
A little while later I went back to the page, and set up
several blogs.
Having returned from my Katrina evacuation to Memphis, I was relieved that my adult art had survived the post Katrina flood. Unfortunately I had stored my kid art on the first floor of an aunt’s home – that flooded after the storm. Some of the art, placed high enough off the floor, survived. The rest of my art, which sat in water, had to be pitched.
Over the last four years I’ve posted images of dot artwork as I created new ones. I’ve explained their inspiration and talked about my process. Many of you have given me your interpretations of what you see. Thank you to my readers who continue to visit this blog. Thank you to those readers who comment regularly. I really appreciate your feedback.
Today I am working on some 20” x 20” ‘s for a show that will be hung next week. Don’t worry. There’s plenty more to come. Some of my “e” series paintings are in the dot stage now. I’ll be posting them very soon.