
Saturday, October 17, 2009


Continuing on my reaction tangent, I was again moved to make a painting that was provoked by the work of another artist, Yvette Creel. She showed us how she paints her watercolor paintings during a presentation. SO, then the question became what image I doand how to turn it into dots?

acrylic on canvas, 5" x 5"

One image I settled on was a severe cropping of a spiral shell design. I took the lines and colors and made a simplified dot pattern. Also, I kept the design off center.


  1. I like this, Mo. This made me see a goldfish jumping up out of the water. :-)

  2. Lana:

    Thank you.

    I appreciate your "very pretty."

    Mo : )

  3. Daisy:

    Thank you.

    A jumping goldfish . . . hmmm . . . I see what you're talking about.

    Mo : )
